Tuesday, 3 April 2007

April is here and Walking hurts

Well it's April time showers and walks in the sun arrr humbug.

Garry had me walking along the prom again this Sunday, when will I learn??? There is a hill along the prom, last week I had to sit down and catch my breath (if I had taken my inhaler I would have used it) but this week I managed to get up it ok, still a bit out of breath but no where as bad as last week.

Well yesterday is a different kettle of fish. He needed to go to Liverpool for something so we jumped on the bus at the end of the road no problems there. When we got off I said would you like the quick way or the exercise way? We all know what way he picked (tyrant) up steps and down the other side. When we got to the lights I told him look that is where the bus dropped us off, well why didn't we just walk along there then ooh men.

I thought we would go straight to dad's but no we have to get off in Birkenhead and go to work. So we walk from the train station then we walk to the bus station. Visited dad and then we went to pick up my Ebay purchase at the other end of Reeds Lane. Now me I would of got the bus, you know it's a 15 minute walk to the address but no we had to walk and the walk back to the Berket.

When I finally got to bed I had taken 11096 steps, walked 7.63 miles and used up 1365 kcals. I think I was a sleep before 10pm.

This walking lark is no good it is making me tired

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